Articles Relating To The Work Done In The Evening Meetings

The writings on this page pertain to the work being done in the evening group. The work in the evening group is entirely separate from my chiropractic practice. I do not represent myself as a chiropractor or as a therapist when conducting the group meetings.

The meetings are ongoing. New people can participate in the meetings, though we need to talk first to find out if these meetings are appropriate for you.

The articles are listed in the order that they were written. The articles address topics relevant to what the people were experiencing at that time. The articles have a loose type of progression. The articles do not need to be read in order. Feel free to read any article that attracts you.

The first grouping of fifty four articles represent specific topics in the ongoing work done in the group.

The second grouping of nine articles were written first. The first four of these articles were written for a person to read before attending their first group meeting. The next five articles are more general in topic than the fifty four articles in the first section of this page.

The Majority Of The Articles

Click here to read the PDF article titled: The Further Down, The Further Up.

Click here to read the PDF article titled: Letting Go. This article gives a lot of insight into the work that we do in the group and in our lives.

Click here to read the PDF article titled: Good Girl, Good Boy. This article explores how our natural goodness can be blocked by a developed part of ourselves; our good girl, good boy part.

Click here to read the PDF article titled: Moving Forward When We're In Reaction. This article explores what happens when we're in reaction and definitive steps to take to move forward when we're in reaction. Our worst moments of relating often happen when we're in reaction. It's a grand opportunity to move forward and not make more heartache in our lives.

Click here to read the PDF article titled: About This Work. This brief article explores about being made in the image of God and living more as who we really are.

Click here to read the four page PDF article titled: Anger. The article addresses anger both in a relationship and when anger comes up in a group meeting. Anger, in relationship, can be a most devastating experience for all involved. May this article bring more peace where there otherwise may have been more harm.

Click here to read the two and a half page PDF article titled: Lightening Up and Stickiness.

Click here to read the PDF article titled: The Voice Of The Small Ego.

Click here to read a one and a half page PDF article about attending the meetings. The article is entitled: The Regulars.

Click here to read a four page PDF article entitled: Processing Writing and Writing Spirit's Messages. This article discusses two forms of writing. We can receive many benefits from both ways of writing.

Click here to read a two and a half page PDF article entitled: In The Zone. Athletes perform best when they're 'in the zone.' We also are at our best when we're in the zone. This article briefly addresses being in the zone.

Click here to read a seven page PDF article titled: Five Steps To A Freer Life.

Click here to read a four page PDF article titled: Uninhibited Vulnerability: Bringing Out What We Feel/Think and Releasing What Doesn't Serve Us. This article is closely connected to the previous article Five Steps To A Freer Life.

Click here to read a two and a half page PDF article titled: What Part Of Me? This article addresses what part of us decides, says and does things.

Click here to read a four page PDF article titled: The Tale of Two Monks: Will and Surrender. This article pertains to two monks: Richard Rohr and Brother Ishtananda. The topic is about the two halves of spiritual life.

Click here to read an eight page PDF article titled: If It's Not Neutral Or Loving, Let It Go. This is a tenet of my teacher's teaching.

Click here to read a four page PDF article titled: Stories About Listening And Writing. There are four short stories about listening and writing in this paper. The four stories are of Charles, Racquel, Mother Teresa and Adyashanti. That's four people all on Team God.

Click here to read a five page PDF article entitled: Work. This article addresses work in relation to the spiritual path.

Click here to read a six page PDF article titled: Anger Revisited. This article was inspired by the deepening of the work being done in the group.

Click here to read a four page PDF article titled: Beyond The Thinking Mind. This article was inspired by the work being done in the group. The article addresses how our mind tries to help and how the mind can get the way of our healing. What do we then do when our mind keeps working on an issue and the issue isn't resolving?

Click here to read a four page PDF article titled: Gradual Awakening. Throughout our life, if we so desire and we do the work, we noticeably and gradually awaken.

Click here to read a three page PDF article titled: Hands-On. This article addresses some aspects of the hands-on work that is done in the group meetings.

Click here to read a six page PDF article titled: Being Processed. This article has links to other articles that also address processing emotions and processing events in our lives.

Click here to read a six page PDF article titled: Foundational Spiritual Practices. This article goes into a fundamental question: What are your foundational spiritual practices? The article also explores how our foundational practices can be at the root of our happiness.

Click here to read a five page PDF article titled: Mental Stategy and What Am I To See, Say Or Do. This article addresses a key question that Charles asked me. My life thankfully has not been the same since.

Click here to read a four page PDF article titled: Caterpillar and Butterfly. This article takes a different approach to two ways to live our lives.

Click here to read a five and a half page PDF article entitled: Back Doors, Our Work and Mercy. This article addresses how and why we avoid staying present to what is, and how to be more present .... leading to living with more easy and Grace, and living more as who we really are.

Click here to read an eight page PDF article titled: Uncommon Happiness: Beyond The Limits Of Therapy. This article gives an insight into the work that we do in the group.

Click here to read a seven page PDF article titled: Returning To Love. This article addresses what blocks us from being happy. It also addresses the work that we do.

Click here to read a nine page PDF article titled: Living A Life Without Armor. This article describes the work that we do in the group and the work that I've done with my teacher in one word - de-armoring. The nine pages are about physical, mental and emotional armor and about de-armoring.

Click here to read an eight page PDF article titled: A Better Quality Of Life. This article addresses the energy that sustains our stressful thoughts and emotions, and how this energy can release. This release brings freedom from our troubling thoughts and emotions.

The next three articles were written and sent to the group at the same time. There is some interweaving between the next three articles.

Click here to read a five page PDF article titled: Morning Anxiety. Some people in the group have been experiencing anxiety; especially early in the morning. Anxiety coming up can be a sign of progress.

Click here to read a three and a half page PDF article titled: Overstimulated Body, Overstimulated Mind and Overstimulated Emotions. The article explores being overstimulated, and the relationship of overstimulation and being peaceful.

Click here to read a four and a half page PDF article titled: What Are You Doing? and Taking A Snapshot. This article gives two exercises to become more present.

Click here to read a seven page PDF article titled: Breathe and Relax. This article explores how abdominal breathing and relaxing can help us to be more present and help us to live more as who we really are rather than living in some amount of reaction.

Click here to read a five page PDF article titled: Listening To Our Divine-Intuitive Guidance. What inner voice are we listening to? This article explores the difference voices that are inside each person, and ways to enhance listening to and acting from the voice in us that is our soul's connection to God.

Click here to read a four and a half page PDF article titled: Sharing At A Group Meeting. This article was written for people in the new Friday group that are new to sharing. People in the group are well acquainted with the contents of this article.

Click here to read a two plus page PDF article titled: Fear, Anger and Moving Forward In Life: Turning The No Of Fear Into A Yes and Turning The Yes Of Anger Into A No. The title of this short article is explored in this two plus page article. This article was inspired by recent conversations with two people in the group.

Click here to read a five page PDF article titled: Releasing. This article explores a central tenant of this type of work -- releasing what doesn't serve us; what is in the way of us being an expression of who we really are (which is very, very good, fun, loving and wise).

Click here to read a three page PDF article titled: Leaning Into Feelings. This article addresses a key point of this work -- by becoming more intimate and surrendering into our thoughts and feelings, we free ourselves of the past.

Click here to read a five page PDF article titled: Writing: Opening To More. This article explores writing as a way to receive guidance and to live a more surrendered life.

Click here to read a three page PDF article titled: Half Hearted and All In. This article explores what may be the core issue for many people on the spiritual path.

Click here to read a three page PDF article titled: Get Out Of Your Own Way. This article addresses a key point on the spiritual path.

Click here to read a five and a half page PDF article titled: Charles' Number One Practice. This article addresses writing a spiritual practice with links to previous articles that address this topic.

Click here to read a six page PDF article titled: The Judge. This article explores a voice inside ourselves that was formed very early in life and that is a major influence thoughout our life.

The next five articles can be read separately and they also can be read as a continuing group of articles about healing trauma:

Click here to read a six page PDF article titled: Healing Trauma Part One: An Alternative Approach To Talk Therapy and Drug Therapy. This article gives insight into the work being done in the group meetings and how the work of David Berceli, Bessel Van Der Kolk and Peter Levine have influenced this work.

Click here to read a nine page PDF article titled: Healing Trauma Part Two: Getting Out Of Our Own Way. This article continues on the topic of the previous article and specifically addresses that the only obstacle to our happiness is ourselves. The article gives specific suggestions in how to get out of our own way.

Click here to read a six page PDF article titled: Healing Trauma Part Three: The Freeze Response. This article focuses on the least understood of the three survival responses (the fight, flight and freeze responses). Much compassion and kindness can come when we understand that others and ourselves have been frozen by the fear response, and we truly could not have done better than we did.

Click here to read a five page PDF article titled: Healing Trauma Part Four: One Woman's Healing. I caution the reader that this article is about how a woman healed after being raped. Her healing is very remarkable in how well and quickly she healed. There is very little reference to the attack.

Click here to read an eight page PDF article titled: Healing Trauma Part Five: The Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches. This article addresses two different approaches to healing trauma. The bottom-up approach is the approach that has been advocated through the first four articles in this series of articles about healing trauma.

The next three articles can be read separately and they also can be read as a continuing group of articles:

Click here to read a six page PDF article titled: Process Vs. Perpetuate. This article is the third time that the topic of processing as been exclusively addressed. There are four stepped explored in how to better process and not perpetuate that which binds us from living free. The next article Letting Go and Coming Back continues the thoughts of this article.

Click here to read a three page PDF article titled: Letting Go and Coming Back. This article continues the thoughts of the previous article Process Vs. Perpetuate. This article also stands alone to help the reader become more aware of how to let go of the held emotions and thoughts that limit a person.

Click here to read a four plus page PDF article titled: The Protective Shell. This article addresses a key point in processing and letting go; freeing us to live as our natural spontaneity, trust, innocence and vulnerability.

Click here to read a five plus page PDF article titled: When You're Hijacked, You're Not Fully Present. This article addresses both soft hijack and hard (amygdala) hijack, and what to do when you're hijacked. This article helps the reader to identify soft hijack and the implications of soft hijack throughout our life.

Click here to read a six page PDF article titled: Is Intuition Our Most Important Relationship? This article addresses the importance of intuition, and how to cultivate and better recognize intuition.

Click here to read an eight page PDF posting titled: Releasing and Sharing. This article consists of two emails that I sent to the people in the group after a meeting in March 2019. This posting differs from the articles on this page in that I'm sharing directly what I've communicated to the people in the group rather than having a formal exploration in a topic.

Click here to read an fourteen page PDF article titled: Healing Our Woundedness. Each of us carries wounds from past events. This article explores what trauma is, that trauma strored in the body and explores releasing the uncomfortable emotions, thoughts and/or body sensations that are the effects of trauma. This article is a "signature article." This article is the article that most directly explores how to heal from trauma.

The First Nine Articles That Will Give You Insight Into The Evening Meetings

All of the following articles were written before the articles that are posted above on this page. The first four articles are recommended to read before attending your first group meeting. The last five articles are insightful, though not needed to read before attending your first meeting.

Click here to read a PDF article titled Being Triggered. This is the only article that you need to read before attending your first meeting. It's a nine page article, so it's lengthy. The day after I posted this article I went to a retreat led by Charles. That day he addressed about being triggered, and his role as a teacher. Click here to read the three page PDF article of quotes from Charles along with some commentary from me.

Click here to read a PDF article titled Processing. Processing is a key to this work. The word processing is becoming a 'buzz word.' This article is about what processing is and what processing is not.

Click here to read a PDF article titled Pre-Entry: What You May Feel In The Days, Hours Or Minutes Before A Meeting. This article talks of some of the different emotions and feelings that may come up in the days, hours or minutes before a meeting. The article goes over especially what your mind may be telling you in the days before a meeting.
(This article was written after the article Re-Entry which is the next article).

Click here to read a PDF article titled Re-Entry: What You May Feel In The Days After A Meeting. This article talks about how you may feel in the days after a meeting and why you may have more feelings/emotions that come up after a meeting.

Click here to read a PDF article titled: A Major Reason Why Charles Is My Teacher. This article addresses an important part of Charles' work with people.

Click here to read a three page PDF article titled: Waking Up Is A Rocky Road. This article has a link for a four and a half minute youtube video from an American Buddhist monk that works in a way similar to the work being done in the group. The monk has his eccentricities and he also has a clarity.

Click here to read the PDF article titled: Going Toward Our Pain and Toward The Pain Of Others.

Click here to read the PDF article titled: Are You Ready For Life and Death? I attended a workshop the day before this paper was written. The workshop was titled: Conscious Living, Conscious Dying.

Click here to read the PDF article titled: Boost, Believe, Live. This article was written days after attending a weekend retreat with Charles. Charles said these words to me and a pattern was revealed to me in relation to my spiritual life.

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